Pet Anesthesia

We recognize that the prospect of having your pet undergo anesthesia can be anxiety-inducing; it’s important to note that the potential risks associated with this procedure are minimal.

Pet Anesthesia

We take every precaution necessary to keep your pet safe and comfortable during the process.

We perform a pre-anesthetic exam to ensure the pet is healthy enough for anesthesia. Your vet may also require the second step of pre-anesthetic blood work because that will show if there are any systemic infections or problems with major organs before going into the procedure. This testing also helps us tailor medications to your pet’s specific needs based on the results.

All patients receiving anesthesia are monitored closely. A staff member is assigned to each case and provides dedicated, continuous observation until the patient is fully awake. We also utilize sophisticated monitoring equipment that informs us of the patient’s heart rate, oxygen level, blood pressure, and other vital signs. Team members monitor patient comfort as well. Anesthetized patients are kept warm using water-heated blankets, and pain management is assessed throughout all procedures.

If you have questions about anesthesia and your pet, feel free to give us a call at (207)-743-6384.
